IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo
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The files in this directory are derived from the output of the program
Kaleido, which was written and distributed by Zvi Har'El over the USENET
News system. The following extract from the Kaleido document describes
the original software and instructions for obtaining it.
Uniform Solution for Uniform Polyhedra*
Zvi Har'El
Department of Mathematics
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, Israel
E-Mail: rl@gauss.technion.ac.il
An arbitrary precision solution of uniform
polyhedra and their duals is presented. The solu-
tion is uniform for all polyhedra given by their
kaleidoscopic construction, with no need to "exam-
ine" each polyhedron separately.
1. Introduction.
Uniform polyhedra, whose faces are regular and vertices
equivalent, have been studied since antiquity. Best known
are the five Platonic solids and the thirteen Archimedean
solids. We then have the two infinite families of uniform
prisms and antiprisms. Allowing for star faces or vertices,
we have the four Kepler-Poinsot regular star polyhedra and a
row of fifty-three nonconvex uniform polyhedra discovered in
the 1880's and the 1930's. The complete set appeared in
print for the first time in 1953, in a paper by Coxeter,
Longuet-Higgins and Miller ([CLM], see also [S]).
Magnus Wenninger's delightful book Polyhedron Models
[W1], which appeared in 1971 but since has been reprinted
many times, contains photos and building instructions for
cardboard models of these seventy-five uniform polyhedra.
Reading the book, makes the mathematically minded reader
wonder: How are the data for the models obtained? For exam-
ple, what makes 1.1600030093 the proper circumradius for a
great retrosnub icosidodecahedron** with edge length two?
* 12 August 1992. In memoriam of my father, Ger-
shon Har'El, who introduced me to spatial struc-
** This is the [W2] version of the polyhedron
It is easy to check, that these data originate in
[CLM], table 7. Some of the circumradii are exact, as they
are given in terms of integers and radicals only, but few,
as the one mentioned above, are given approximately, to ten
decimal digits. This may be considered perhaps accurate
enough, but if one wants to incorporate polyhedra in a com-
puter modeling software (cf. [Hy]), one would prefer to get
the numbers in an arbitrary precision, or in the maximum
precision the computer can handle. Furthermore, one is
interested in exact, or maximum precision, values of other
geometric data, such as the dihedral angles of the polyhe-
dra, and for these the only available data are for the regu-
lar and the convex cases, and are accurate to 1'' (cf. [CR],
table II and [J], table II).
This problem was treated by Andrew Hume. His method is
best described by a short quotation from his report [Hm]:
In general, the data are solutions of equations
found by examining the polyhedra (for example [L],
pp. 174-176). The equations were solved at least
three times using symbolic algebra systems...
Uniform polyhedra for which symbolic algebra systems
are useful are the so called snub polyhedra, and the compu-
tations involve solving cubic or quartic equations. Hume's
solutions were used to create a database of polyhedra, which
is publicly available at netlib@research.att.com.
Our approach is quite different. Rather then separately
examining individual polyhedra, we suggest a uniform
approach, which is easy to understand and easy to use, even
with a hand-held calculator, and it eliminates the need for
a database for uniform polyhedra and their duals, since the
fast iterative algorithm may yield arbitrary precision data.
Furthermore, it may be used in the same ease for convex as
well as for nonconvex polyhedra (which are not treated by
[Hm]). A computer program, called kaleido (cf. [Ha]) and
publicly available at ftp@gauss.technion.ac.il, has been
developed to compute the data of a uniform polyhedron (and
its dual), given either the vertex configuration, i.e, the
enumeration of the polygons appearing as faces incident at a
vertex in the order in which they are found (cf. [CR], sec-
tion 2.9.2), or the so-called Wythoff symbol which describes
the kaleidoscopic construction of the polyhedron (cf. [CLM],
section 3). Kaleido is also capable of computing the vertex
and face coordinates and displaying a rotating wire-frame
image of each polyhedron.
We would like to express our gratitude to H. S. M. Cox-
eter, Branko Gr.nbaum and Andrew Hume, for the very useful
and enlightening comments.